From the time marijuana has been made legal in some of the states, more and more people are looking to get into the marijuana industry. It is estimated that the marijuana industry will be worth billions of dollars in the coming years and since it is a lucrative industry, it is attracting enormous attention.
But, it must be taken into account that anyone who wants to become a part of this industry must comply with the marijuana regulations. The marijuana regulations are not simple. There are hundreds of pages of rules and regulations that people must understand and comply with if they are planning to set up a marijuana business, delivery service or cultivation center.
Individuals must demonstrate that they can comply with the regulations and are in a position to set up such a business in the state. The initial start up costs are around $500,000 which means that individuals must be in a very good financial position to even think about submitting an application. The individual must show proof of assets, finances and the ability to open and run a marijuana establishment effectively. There is a list of measures that they must take to ensure they are running their business legally.