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Requirements to Open a Dispensary

Requirements to Open a Dispensary

There are lots of requirements to open a dispensary. While these requirements are not easy, the idea of opening a dispensary can be  profitable in the long run if you are able to obtain the necessary licenses and permits to set up your business.

The requirements state that the applicant who is interested in submitting an application must be over the age of 21 and must not have any past criminal charges against him. After the application has been submitted, the applicant must deposit an application fee and also post a performance bond. If these are not done within the specified time period, then the application will be dismissed.

Other requirements to open a dispensary  includes providing written documentation proving that they are in a position to obtain personnel, resources and premises to obtain the dispensary. In that documentation, things that must be included are a list of proposed and current staffing, documents that show that the staff has undergone background checks, a map of the facility, a site plan that has been drawn to scale, an inventory control plan, a floor plan showing layout of each room including dimensions, location of hand basins, toilets, panic button, video camera, etc.Requirements to Open a Dispensary Requirements to Open a Dispensary

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